FANvision 2024 - OGAE Israel


Meet the representative of OGAE ISRAEL



SONG Shake it up shekerim (ESC 2007)



1. Why did you choose this song, and what does it mean to you?

I chose to sing a song called "Shake it up sikidim" represented by Turkey in the past (singer Kenan Dogulu (the star! )). A rhythmic and uplifting song, which, as someone who follows the Eurovision Song Contest every year, I noticed that usually can captivate the audience. People love beautiful music like the song I chose and it is always important for me to choose an interesting repertoire, regardless of the country of the song, when I put more emphasis on looking for a melody that will "change consciousness" and be unforgettable, that you will remember for the long term. Maybe I feel like studious in the answers and giving them full and interesting, but I also see it as something important, also as a message to the other participants and those who will read it once and it will help them in choosing a song, and more.. And I also have a little tip from me: I think it's important to choose a song that will suit you personally as well, and that the playback you sing with will match the height of the scale you reach in the vocals. It's important that you connect with style. In my case, it's an Eastern-Turkish style song that's catchy, so I'm sure that such a song can remain in people's hearts for many years to come. I got to hear it played at Eurovision parties in Israel too (and we have great parties here! :-) ). I wish that all the songs of the Eurovision Song Contest were at least on the level of this song, because many times, unfortunately and in recent decades, songs come to Eurovision that are a bit disappointing actually, and sometimes they even win, ones that people just don't remember after. I think it's important here to maintain a reputation, because it's the most watched show in the world and usually the most beautiful songs, with the competition for victory sometimes reaching a "brutal" level. Besides, the Turkish singer Kenan Dogulu of the song I chose, who to this day is perhaps one of the most prominent stars in Turkey, has a lot of winning songs in his country, which conquer me no less as well, and when I visited Turkey myself in recent years (literally several times), I even got "to shazame" his music there, when I was on vacation in Antalya (and usually I don't "shazame" for no reason). I saw some of his repertoire (which has become national) performed there every evening in the live performances at the hotel, and I learn Kenan's songs myself, and even in Turkish, and I'm sure not for nothing. Apparently Kenan is no less of a big star in Turkey, such as the Turkish singer Tarkan we all know, and I assume that Kenan was not sent to Eurovision by chance! There is no doubt that Turkey must return to Eurovision at some point, and you know, maybe also to our

FANvision, only the small political problem this time is Turkey's political stance towards Israel, so much so that it may not be possible to hold Eurovision in Turkey until the situation changes for the better. And it's a country with music that a lot of countries can strive to reach its level in general. By the way, a lot of Turkish hits are translated into other languages. I must say that I just fell in love with Turkey itself as well. It is very close to Israel, only about half an hour of flight, and it also happened before it won Eurovision!


2. What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

I also felt that it was a matter of responsibility to represent the club, but also that it was a lot of fun for me to get into this framework of flying to Europe and preparing for something I obviously love to do most in life, which is music. It brings me a lot of challenges, whether it's getting experience for the future or just a lot of fun along the way, and also preparing my performance for example, when there's a good enough reason to persevere in it, to give up a lot of other things in life for the sake of the goal and represent us in the end with respect, which I think is an inseparable part of the matter here and the goal of a participant and every club. I also feel that it's not only to perform for myself and compete, but also to feel the mission on behalf of the entire Israeli club that will only be proud of me and know who I am :-). And to tell you the truth, I was never afraid of publicity and always wanted to become the most famous and become a great artist, and once I dream of reaching Eurovision itself, despite all the bureaucratic obstacles that do not depend on you at all. Everything always starts with smaller things and it's a great opportunity for me to show every time what I'm capable of and also to see from the side who I am and how many new fans will be along the way, which is something that is so important to me personally. And I think that's how everyone else who participates with me feels the same way. Despite everything, I also believe in something personal and that it's also something that's just another personal step of mine that I do for myself and no one else, so I just disconnect from the commitment at some point and just come to enjoy this stunning weekend, which in itself is such a blessed initiative that someone invented for us. This is truly something that every participant will remember at the end throughout his life. It is very important to me that the matter of politics and the vote based on it simply disappear for good and they won't be personally connected to me either (even from Eurovision itself, which long ago simply became a political contest, with the neighboring countries giving votes every year to their neighboring country and seeing this, when the judges even admit after voting against Israel unfortunately and considering what is going on in this world unfortunately...). After all, I'm not connected to any of this either, and I didn't choose the country in which I live. I always wanted the rules of the game will be changed in Eorovision for the better! I strongly believe in transparency, fairness and honesty. And even myself I would vote only that way, otherwise it loses its taste. And yes, I feel some pride, without even letting me understand why, and that's definitely something very exciting for me. It's great fun to meet and hear people from other countries at the same time and in a really personal way. It's just crazy . And this is something that is also known in the ESC competition itself, whose purpose was to unite countries by music, after World War II. So on behalf of myself and the entire Israeli club, good luck to everyone!


3. Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

It feels like I'm coming to "conquer" another unknown destination that is just waiting for me somewhere... Of course, I am very excited to come to the amazing, beautiful and large city of Hamburg, which I also heard about from friends who visited it and I saw it only in pictures. Perhaps the most exciting thing is that I come there for the first time, as an Israeli from Israel, which is a bit far from Europe. Because of the geopolitical situation, it is possible to come from Israel to the world mainly by flight, even though I am already flying to Germany for the third time in my life, when my first and most memorable visit here was, of course, when the Eurovision Song Contest was held in the city of Dusseldorf. Of course, I've visited Berlin and other places in Germany already and I can honestly say that this is a country that has a lot to offer and it just succeeded to impress me quite favorably in the past, so it's a very intriguing and impressive destination. I didn't just think about the option of coming here on the last celebration of New Year's Eve and opening 2024 here, of all places, and in the snow that is sometimes a little lacking in Israel. I think I'll have to travel a lot around Hamburg and come see the nearby northern beaches, so the location of the city is quite interesting. And this is also the opportunity for me to travel again in Berlin, the capital, and fill in the gaps and visit all the places I just didn't get to see before.

I wish myself to discover as much as possible the city and what it has to offer, whether it's eating in its restaurants and spontaneously bumping into its people, etc.. In other words, I want to feel the vibe of the city that week. And of course along the way I hope to succeed in the competition and do it with respect.


4. What are your personal interests?

I love the sea and nature (which is not lacking in Israel). I like to travel and do about 20 trips in Israel every year (which is part of the sport I like to do too...), and sometimes I also travel abroad. I'm a big fan of the Eurovision Song Contest, so I sometimes pass the time in Tel Aviv at Eurovision(and not only) parties, which are held here weekly. Besides, music is an inseparable part of my life, so it's not just my hobby. And in my free time I write texts and compose original songs that I also perform, play musical instruments, perform, play, surf social networks (which gives me some inspiration for life), keep up to date with very very specific news, and it helps me stay up to date. I'm not a technophobe at all, so I'm a big fan of apps, which allows me to go ahead of technology in life (and not the other way around :-) ). And I go to various large shows and exhibits and exhibitions that come to Israel from overseas (or that exist in Israel), and more... Not afraid of challenges and never tired of learning new things in order to expand horizons. Total modern life, with which I just always walk on one foot. And it's worth it!


5. What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us

From a young age I started watching Eurovision when I heard about it from my friends from school and since then it has become a tradition for me, and also in my family. As a singer myself, I became attached to it quite quickly and strongly and loved it (especially the dimensions of the competition). Since then, it has simply become a dream to participate in Eurovision myself and a desire to always be part of it and the Eurovision community, which is quite big here in Israel, and in the world. From there I met quite a few friends I've known for years, and it feels like family (even if it's abroad): whether it's large joint screenings of Eurovision in Israel that are always organized for us, to travel to Kdam Eurovision(Pre-Eurovision/national israeli pre-selections for ESC itself) together every year to Jerusalem, or whether it's to travel with friends to a country that hosts Eurovision and feel part of the delegation..., or if it's hosting Eurovision in Israel, like it happened in 2019. Besides, I sing a lot of the competition songs myself, perform with it sometimes, and we have karaoke competition nights almost every year, where you can show it to others. I suppose there is this in other countries as well, but here the whole thing is quite developed. Just feeling great love and connection to everything that related to ESC and it has become over time a part of my life.

My first powerful memory of the contest is the flight itself to the Eurovision Song Contest held in Germany in the city of Düsseldorf more than a decade ago. I can't just forget it at all. That's also how I got to come to Germany for the first time in my life! ♡


6. Is FANvision the biggest stage/audience so far for you? What are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

No, FANvision isn't the biggest stage I've ever performed, to my delight. I've been performing since I was young and have experienced much bigger stages that I've sung or played on. I also performed quite a bit in the various schools I attended, and they were schools with a musical direction. I won and participated quite a few in various competitions, such as the annual competition for school talents, and there was always also the personal recital at the end of each year, which the student had to perform as a must. There were also all sorts of singing competitions on the way (and not only in Israel) that I also got to win an audience award in an international singing competition when I was sent by my school abroad alone as a teenager (hard to imagine) (but fully funded). And also open stages, TV shows, etc. I was also part of the representative vocal troupe of the city of Tel Aviv (which is the cultural capital of Israel), with them we performed on the biggest stages, such as Rabin Square in Tel Aviv (hundreds of thousands of people audience), I performed at various festivals. And my plans for the future are never to stop and continue what I do best and love, and I believe that I must dream of conquering the much bigger stages as much as possible..., also the Eurovision stage itself, etc. I want to create and sing new and original music all the time, learn new things, develop in music, and become the most successful artist ever and no less, which is my dream. Although I am aware of how difficult it may be. Perhaps the most important thing here is also to really conquer the audience and do it with love, and not just for the sake of personal success and self-promotion alone, which is something that I just don't think adds to any artist, that there is also something a little annoying about it always.

As a whole, the field of performing arts has always seemed to me the most competitive and perhaps the most annoying, as I mentioned before, and I think you can find in it that "someone" you want to be in, in a different and slightly different way from others, in order to also set an example for others (which they would love to see in you) and be that "something else" that people often look to see in others. And I know everything is possible! Besides, I've always wanted in my life to be different and be more interesting, to be "up-to-date" and not something outdated or something that has existed for a long time! That means bringing some kind of change for the better to the world and something modern and contemporary that just hasn't existed before you! Otherwise I think it's just boring and won't work. It's important that everyone truly loves you, and it's always hard work on yourself that just becomes a task in my opinion! I'm also someone who really likes to always be as authentic and genuine as possible, to others and myself alike, and it works.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision fan?

In my life I do a lot of things. Some of them are unrelated with the music profession, but most of them do (which is also much more than just Eurovision itself, and this is also reflected by the focus on the music itself in general and thus also that I create music, not just perform...), because I also deal with sound and other things (which I mentioned upward, in question 4---> ). In my free time I go out with friends, hang out and go to parties, movies and shows, I travel, go to the beach, cook, shop and just take advantage of every moment of my life that I always try to enjoy as much as possible, like everyone else. In other words, "live life now"!


What’s your favourite Eurovision Song of all time?

Well, not the easiest question! Just as it wouldn't be easy to answer, if I were asked to answer a question such as "What is your favorite Eurovision singer?" (Which I would then say is probably my favorite singer also in general Sakis Rouvas for example (twice Greece's representative at Eurovision), who is also the example, "like a model" and the source of inspiration for me). But how about maybe one of the most prominent songs in the Eurovision Song Contest (and it's also the song that maybe not coincidentally is the song that just won the contest at the time) represented Turkey by the singer I also hear and love Sertab Erener who just "burned the stage" with her then along with her belly dancers, called "Everyway that I can" (?!). I love its oriental elements, which is also what's special about this song, which talks about love. Of all the songs written in the world, by the way, the largest percentage of songs are songs about the theme of love. And it meets almost every possible criterion of a winning song that will remain with us for a long time ahead and we want to reopen it, because mainly it is simply a very beautiful, catchy, rhythmic and uplifting song, worthy, strong and powerful that rings well. You can also easily hear the great enthusiasm of the audience in the hall, if you watch the Eurovision performance of this song on YouTube, because you can hear how the audience is just enthusiastic there "approximately" and you hear its "wow". And maybe it's no coincidence that at FANvision I chose to perform a song that also represented the same country in the ESC in the past, Turkey. So I believe that there must be some legality to understand, hiding here! After all, I didn't just elaborate on question No. 1 about the fact that I think music is written in Turkey, which is perhaps one of the most wonderful and beautiful in the world. Apparently there is something magical about Turkey that is not sure if it necessarily exists elsewhere (?!)


Meet the Head of Delegation
of OGAE Israel:


NAME Nir Harel
  Israyal Youtube Thumbnail Head



How did your club find your representative?
We all know Arel from our Karaoke-parties and from last year's competition. We support him and we trust him.

Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?
Unfortunately, I don't think that members will come this year.

What do you wish for your contestant?
We wish him all the best and we are confident that he will slay the stage. 

Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?
We are a warm and welcoming club in a warm country. We will all welcome you all and hope for quiet times to come.

What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?
An effort to see that people are trying their best. And, well, good vocals.


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