FANvision 2024 - OGAE Malta

Meet the representative of OGAE MALTA


NAME Martina Fenech
SONG Rise Like a Phoenix (ESC 2014)

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Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

My team and I have discussed a lot of different song options, however the song that worked the most was "Rise Like a Phoenix". I chose this song since it carries a strong message about courage and overcoming difficulties in life . It symbolizes, to me, the idea of rising stronger from life's difficulties. Both the lyrics and the tune of the song reminds me that challenges are not the end but rather a necessary part of life, which encourages us to turn our hardships into strength and hope.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

I was thrilled and truly honored. It means a lot to me and I would like to thank the members of the Maltese OGAE Fanclub for believing in me and showing such strong support. It’s a great chance to connect with more people and share this journey with those who have been with me from the start.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

Yes, I'm very excited to come to Hamburg for the FANvision Festival ! It's a great chance to meet other artists and experience Hamburg's energy and be part of such an amazing event.


What are your personal interests?

As a singer, my personal interests revolve around music. I love exploring different styles of music and connecting with audiences through my performances in different events. Apart from singing I also enjoy traveling, I like exploring new cuisines, learning about other cultures, and discovering unique places.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

My personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest is rooted in its celebration of diversity and music from different countries around Europe. One of my earliest Eurovision memories is watching performances as a kid together with my family and feeling the excitement of seeing artists from different countries come together on one stage and see what they have to offer for that particular year. The Eurovision Song Contest continues to inspire me with its creativity year after year, and the way it brings together fans from all over to celebrate music and artistry.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

I've had a variety of experiences in my music journey, from playing in smaller venues to performing in front of different crowds and also on TV. FANvision is indeed one of the audiences I will have the privilege to perform for, and it's incredibly exciting for me. My goals for the future include developing as a musician by creating new music and reaching a wider audience. I aspire to work with different musicians, experiment with different musical genres, and eventually release my music to a larger audience. In this journey, FANvision is a big step forward, and I can't wait to see where it leads.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

Apart from being a Eurovision fan, I enjoy following and singing whenever I have the opportunity at local festivals that celebrate cultural diversity and showcase Maltese music. These events allow me to perform in my native language which is Maltese and connect with my community.


Meet the Head of Delegation of Malta


NAME Claudio Xerri

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How did your club find your representative?

OGAE through its social media portal has issued a call of interest for singers to participate in the Fanvision to be held in Germany. Singers were asked to send a video performing a Eurovision song within a stipulated deadline.

OGAE Malta then sent an email to each member within the club with a link to the respective videos.(Three singers were in the competition to win the title). Members were given one week to cast their vote and were invited to vote 8 points the least favourite, 10 points 2nd best and 12 points Member’s favourite.

Martina won this competition and therefore the right to represent Malta in Fanvision.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

I am aware that most of our members follow this contest through social media. I am not aware that any member of OGAE Malta will actually attend this year's event in Germany.


What do you wish for your contestant?

I have no doubt that Martina with her amazing talent will deliver a beautiful performance on the night of the song "Rise like a Phoenix". 

I would like her to enjoy this experience, and make the most of it. She will definitely feel the love and friendship of the big Eurovision family who will be present for Fanvision. I am sure that Martina with her talent and charisma will one day have the opportunity to represent Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

As always this year there is a tough competition and the song choices by the singers are very good. I am sure that Martina will also do well in this contest. Although OGAE Malta is a small club we managed to win this contest twice. Maybe who knows we win it for the third time with our Martina.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

A very tough question to answer. There are many songs which I like but my favourite song is definitely Angel by our Maltese singer Chiara. It is a beautiful song and every time I listen to this song it gives me goosebumps.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

Definitely the interpretation of the song chosen and how the singer will stage the performance. I had the opportunity to attend Fanvision and the organisation is a mini version of the Eurovision, with fans showing their flags, good presenters for the show and most important Eurovision fans enjoying themselves listening to past Eurovision entries who although they did not manage to win the title they are still favourites amongst Eurovision fans and Eurovision parties.


Weitere, nicht öffentlich zugängliche Neuigkeiten rund um unseren Club findet ihr im Mitgliederbereich "MeinECG".