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FANvision 2024 - OGAE Norway


Meet the representative of OGAE Norway:


2024 is „the big debut“ of OGAE Norway. Anneke Fasting is proud to take part in FANvision 2024 as Head of Delegation because she is in fact the mom of Claus Michael Fasting, who is going to represent OGAE Norway. He sings a very personal song from a „big powerhouse“ at the Eurovision Song Contest: „Hold me closer“ from Cornelia Jakobs. Cornelia took part in Turin in 2022 with this emotional song.

All fingers crossed to the wonderful mother-son-team and to OGAE Norway.


NAME Claus Michael Fasting
SONG Hold Me Closer (Sweden 2022)
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook
instagram #clausmichaelnorway


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

Because its a powerful song from a big powerhouse at Eurovision. When I was younger, I was misunderstood and teased at school due to my autism, and I didn’t have any real friends, but the arena of Eurovision helped me along the way, and that’s what the song is trying to convey for me.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your fan club to represent the club at FANvision?

It made me emotional, as its not every day you see a handicapped person compete at FANvision. And it was my big dream since last year in Prague.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg? 

Yes, I’m super excited, as I have a tiny bit of German dna. And I have been to Germany before, as the cities I can name that I’ve been to previously is Kiel and Lübeck, and also the tiny seaside town of Puttgarden. It will however be my first time in Hamburg.


What are your personal interests?

My personal interests other than music is geography, especially countries, their capitals and their connection to the Eurovision Song Contest. I also have a big collection of flags which I can take with me to Eurovision just in case.


What’s your connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

It was through a ticket to a cruise to Fredrikhavn with my mum, where on the sundeck, the ship crew set up a big screen where we watched the 2006 contest from Athens. Great to see Finland win.


What do you do in your life apart from being a Eurovision fan?

I game a lot, although not online, but rather on my pc. My biggest weakness is detective games, where I get to solve mysteries, they can be ranging from missing people, murders and also general mysteries, like hidden treasures. I started to sing in a band for handicapped youth when I was about 10. Now I’m a lead singer in two bands for disabled. Once a week I sing with my vocal coach.


What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

My favourite song is easy to guess. The year was 1996, we got our first and only silver at the Eurovision, and that song is called ”I Evighet” (Forever) is what’s dedicated on my first tattoos.



Meet the Norwegian
Head of Delegation:


Meet Anneke, the Eurovision Mama, that will hold close to her son.

Anneke watched her first Eurovision in 1972 and has seen most of them since. Like the Finnish HoD Heljä she also sang in a gospel choir. It made her happy that Claus Michael found his interest in MGP and Eurovision from early years. He started to sing when he was about 9 years old and being his mum she is very proud of what he has achieved despite he is autistic. They attended Eurovision in Lisbon together, as well as in Tel Aviv and Turin, and wanted to go to Rotterdam and Liverpool as well, but only this year manage to travel to Malmö. Beside her interest for Eurovision she breeds Maine Coon cats and loves Vespa’s and Harley Davidson.



NAME Anneke Fasting
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook


2024 04 12 16 52 55.9340200 



How did your club find your representative?

We asked our president about his thought about the FANvision? He listened to the song and he said «go for it».



Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

Sadly we are only 4 people going to Hamburg this year. Claus Michael, me and 2 good friends from OGAE Norway.

Your club is in the race for winning FANvision; what's outstanding about your club?

We are friends that meet up on regular basis both as a OGAE meeting or just friends going for a coffee or a concert.



What's your favorite Eurovision song of all time?

Have one song that are special to me. From the first Eurovision a saw with my parents. Eurovision in 1972 in Edinburgh. Vicky Leandros won with “Après toi”. Its a song that has followed me all my life. Claus Michael sung it at my fathers funeral. In fact Claus Michael sung at my mothers funeral and his other grandmothers funeral too. Then it was “Ein bißchen Frieden! and “Tears in Heaven”.

What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision? What would you want to see on stage, and what might convince you to give a high vote?

The performer must be sincere and tell the story so I can believe in him.