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Invitation to the Eurovision Weekend 2020

Due to the Corona crisis we are sorry to tell you that we had to postpone the Eurovision Weekend 2021 in Stuttgart again. 

The new date is October 15th - 17th 2021

Tickets remain valid or will be refunded by request:




After the decision to host the Eurovision Weekend in Stuttgart had been made in January 2020 the organizers set about the organization of the event. At this point we want to give you more information about the event, since the program and the organization of the gala with various artists is almost complete.

The weekend will take place from October  15th to 17th, 2021.

On Friday October 15th, the weekend begins with a dinner followed by a EURO party in downtown Stuttgart.

On Saturday October 16th, various city tours are planned by foot or with a historic city bus. In the evening, the Eurovision Weekend Gala will take place on the “Theaterschiff” in Stuttgart. The location is already open from 6 p.m., as it is also possible to have dinner there together. The gala begins at 8 p.m. - the organization team managed to organize the following guest stars:


Emmelie de Forest - winner - Denmark 2013




Justs - 15th place - Latvia 2016




Daniel Schuhmacher - winner DSDS (German version of Pop Idol) and enthusiastic ESC singer




Conchita 4711 – Conchita double from Cologne with live performance




The organization team are still looking for another star guest - you can find information on Facebook (EurovisionWeekend) or Instagram (EurovisionWeekend).

Part of the gala will also be this year's FANvision Song Contest, with candidates representing national fan clubs across Europe who will compete to host next year's Eurovision Weekend. The call has already started. ECG and OGAE Germany are still in search of their representatives. If you are interested, please contact us at the email address below. Information about the FANvision Song Contest will be published in a separate announcement.

On Sunday October 17th, a brunch will take place from 11.30 a.m. in a stylish location in downtown Stuttgart. We managed to get all guest stars to attend for a short performance followed by an interview.

Hotels are reserved near the location as well as directly in the city center and can be booked directly via the booking page. We would be happy to welcome the majority of you already on Friday - that's why different options can be booked here.

Speaking of booking - the booking page is also activated. Here you will find a detailed description and how to get to each event. We have also put together a complete package for you, which (with the exception of the hotel) includes all major events and the ticket for public transport on July 11th.


You can find more information at: https://eurovision-weekend-2020.tickettoaster.de


If you have any questions, please send an email to:

Greetings from Stuttgart
Manu & Micha and the entire organization team from Stuttgart