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FANvision 2024 - OGAE Germany


Meet the representative of OGAE Germany:



NAME Mikal Johansen
SONG Drama Queen (Denmark 2007)
FACEBOOK logo facebook


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?
Actually, originally I chose another song, "Someday" by Hera Björk, which I was gonna sing in the contest of OGAE Germany, Cover Song Contest. I was gonna sing it with my friend Annette, but sadly, she broke her leg just a few days before we were going to Munich for the contest. I felt that "Someday" was our song to sing together, so instead I chose "Drama Queen", which is a song that I had been performing before in a Eurovision show, that I did together with some other singers. I have seen DQ perform it a lot of times - so it is a big honour for me to sing it in a contest myself now. 


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?
I won Cover Song Contest in January, and it was a special honour for me. Even though I have participated in FANVision Song Contest several times for Denmark, this is actually my first time earning my spot by winning a contest. In Denmark, I have been chosen internally each time - which has been great as well - but I feel that I have deserved it at another level this time.

Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?
Yes. I live in Copenhagen, and even though Hamburg is the nearest large German city from Copenhagen, I have only been there once, and only for a few hours - so I'm excited about seeing this city, which I have heard is very fun and interesting.


What are your personal interests?
EUROVISION! That's the short answer. Also, I love acting and singing. I also enjoy watching documentaries, and I feel that it's a good way to learn new things. In my professional life, I am a teacher, so generally, I like to keep myself informed about the world around me.

What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?
I have a very strong connection to Eurovision. Besides that I love to watch it and listen to the music, it's a very social thing for me as well. I've met a lot of my best friends through Eurovision, and it's a special feeling for me, that I know so many great persons from all over the world, especially Sweden and Germany, besides Denmark, of course. Also, I'm doing reaction videos for Youtube, called "Panelet bedømmer", with two other danish guys, so Eurovision really is a big deal for me.

My first memory of Eurovision is from 1984, where I remember seeing Herreys win for Sweden together with my sister. I was so fascinated by this contest and by the pretty hair of the Herreys :-D 


Meet the German
Head of Delegation:


NAME Daniel Nothaas
FUNCTION IN THE CLUB Head of Delegation 
 Germany HoD



How did your club find your representative?
Back in January we held a preselection for FANVision at our annual club convention in Munich. Five brave contestants fought for the ticket to Hamburg. our eventual winner Mikal won by a landslide.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?
Hopefully yes. Our members can experience the FANVision on homeground. Thanks a lot to EC Germany for organizing.


What do you wish for your contestant?
I wish him having a great time with the other contestants and also on stage - and of course best of luck in the contest.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?
The most obvious thing is that we are the “other” German fanclub besides EC Germany. We are a bit like Luxemburg in the good old Grand Prix d’Eurovision days because unlike other clubs we were never represented by an own member. Last year we had Austrians and this year we have a Danish guy flying the flag for us.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?
Susanne Georgi - La teva decisió (Get a Life) - Andorra 2009 In general I’m a fan of micro states. My favourite country at Eurovision is San Marino.

What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?
I like to see when the artist enjoys being on stage and connects with the audience. It's an advantage when the artist has a good voice, but it's also about good entertainment.