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t.o.m. - Inhaltsverzeichnisse 2025

t.o.m. 1/2025

tom 1 2020Ausgabe 1/2025

  • SO WIRD 2025
    Satirischer Jahresausblick
    Protokoll der Mitgliederversammlung
    Das Präsidium stellt sich vor
  • ESC 2025
    Nationale Vorbereitungen
    Deutsche Vorentscheidung 
    Die deutsche Vorentscheidung 2000
    Sonja Lumme
    Sarah Bonnici
    Mihai Traistariu

t.o.m. 2/2025 - erscheint im April 2025




t.o.m. 3/2025 - erscheint im August 2025



Aufruf zur Teilnahme am FANvision Song Contest 2025

Another Summer Night erleben und den ECG gesanglich repräsentieren? 




Du kannst singen und wolltest schon immer mal bei einem Gesangswettbewerb auf der Bühne stehen? Dann vertritt den ECG beim FANvision Song Contest am 12. Juli 2025 im Rahmen des Eurovision Weekend auf Malta!


Nach dem Sieg von Martina Fenech mit "Rise Like a Phoenix" bei unserem Heimspiel in Hamburg im vergangenen Jahr zieht das Eurovision Weekend auf die Mittelmeerinsel Malta weiter. Dort wird OGAE Malta gemeinsam mit den Berliner ESC-Fans, die die beliebte Veranstaltung einst ins Leben riefen, das Event organisieren.


Für den FANvision Song Contest, den Sangeswettstreit mit den Teilnehmer*innen anderer OGAE-Fanclubs, suchen wir nun unseren Act für Malta! Jedes ECG-Mitglied kann sich nun als Einzelkünstler, Duo oder in der Gruppe bewerben - und sich für einen Abend wie ein ESC-Star fühlen. Aber nicht vergessen: Der Wettbewerb soll für Teilnehmer*innen und Besucher*innen in allererster Linie Spaß bringen - und lässt sich im Juli auf Malta auch mit einem unvergesslichen Urlaub kombinieren... Ohne offizielle Nominierung eines Clubs ist eine Teilnahme am FANvision nicht möglich.


Bei Interesse schickt bitte bis zum 23. März 2025 um 23:59 Uhr ein aussagekräftiges Video mit einer Kostprobe des live gesungenen ESC-Songs, den ihr gerne beim FANvision performen möchtet, an Benni unter . Sollten sich mehrere Bewerber*innen für dasselbe Lied entscheiden, gilt die Regel "first come, first serve". Der Songtitel darf jedoch nicht bereits bei einer der früheren FANvision-Wettbewerbe gesungen worden sein.


Der Act des ECG darf seinen Beitrag nicht nur beim FANvision-Wettbewerb präsentierten, sondern wird auch bei unserem nächsten Clubtreffen am 22. November 2025 vor etwa 300 Gästen im Kölner GLORIA live auf der Bühne stehen.

Sollte es mehrere Interessierte geben, werden wir unter allen Mitgliedern eine Online-Abstimmung organisieren, um unsere*n Vertreter*in zu küren.

Das Eurovision Weekend 2025

Das Eurovision Weekend 2025 findet vom 11. bis 13. Juli 2025 in Malta statt.

Das ECG-Mitgliedervoting 2002

Platz         Land  Punkte
Sandrine Fran
"Il faut du temps"
"Europe's Living a Celebration"
"Never Let It Go"
Ver. Königreich
Jessica Garlick
"Come Back"
Ira Losco
"7th Wonder"
Corinna May
"I Can't Live Without Music"

Marie N.
"I Wanna"
Serbien Montenegro
"Addicted To You"
Monica Anghel &
Marcel Pavel
"Tell Me Why"
Francine Jordi
"Dans le jardin de mon
"Samo ljubezen"
Sarit Haddad
"Light a Candle"
Manuel Ortega
"Say a word"
"Od nas zavisi"
"Tell Me Who You Are"
"Happy You"
Buket Bengisu &
"Leylaklar soldu kalbinde"
Sergio & The Ladies
Bosnien & Herzegowina
"Na jakustu za dvoje"
Vesna Pisarovi
"Everything I Want"
Michaelis Rakintzis
Prime Minister
"Northern Girl"


Das Clubtreffen 2024

Am Samstag, dem 23. November 2024, fand im Kölner Gloria-Theater unser diesjähriges Clubtreffen statt. Rund 300 Fans aus ganz Deutschland, aber auch aus etlichen anderen Ländern hatten sich wieder auf den Weg in die Domstadt gemacht, um beim mehrstündigen Bühnenprogramm und der traditionellen ESC-Disco zusammen den ESC zu feiern.


Wie in jedem Jahr ging es los mit der Eröffnung durch das ECG-Präsidium (Schatzmeister Chris fehlte krankheitsbedingt), das in diesem Jahr ein Discomedley auf die Bühne brachte, was mit dem gemeinsam choreografierten MeKaDo-Hit „Wir geben 'ne Party“ endete.


Eröffnung PräsidiumEröffnung durch das Präsidium © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Moderator und Clubmitglied Bernd Ochs, der auch in diesem Jahr wieder gewohnt charmant und schlagfertig moderierte, leitete dann das Programm ein mit einer auf das Clubtreffen umgeschriebenen Version von „Dschinghis Khan“.

BerndBernd Ochs / © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Das Programm selbst besteht ja seit vielen Jahren aus den Auftritten der Stargäste aber auch aus Parodien und Acts von Fans für Fans, und so brachten Michael Sonneck, Lu Wenzel und Peter Bergener als Putzfrauen eine großartige Version von „Teresa & Maria“ auf die Bühne, bei der der Schreibtisch unseres Präsidenten von den beiden Putzkräften aufgeräumt wurde.


Teresa und MAriaPeter und Lu © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Der Neue ESC-Kommentator wandte sich in einer wunderbaren Video-Grußbotschaft an alle Fans im Gloria, da er selbst verhindert war.


Der langjährige Präsident des Eurovision Club Switzerland, Ronny Glaser,  gab einen Ausblick auf die Planungen der Stadt Basel für den ESC 2025.

RonnyRonny und Bernd © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Ein interaktives Quiz, an dem über 160 Gäste online teilnahmen, sorgte mit originellen Fragen bis zum Schluss für Spannung.  


Quiz© Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Und dann wurde es Zeit für den ersten Stargast. Schon beim ESC 2006 war Mihai Traistariu als besonders stimmgewaltig aufgefallen, und auch jetzt saß jede Note perfekt. Mit ESC-Hits wie „My Number One“, „Grande Amore“ und natürlich seinem eigenen „Tornerò“ sorgte der sympathische Rumäne für die ersten Standing Ovations im Saal. Und es sollten nicht die letzten bleiben.


  Mihai 1Mihai Traistariu © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Seit einigen Jahren hat die emotionale Rückschau auf die im jeweiligen Jahr verstorbenen ESC-Künstler*innen ihren Platz im Programm. So auch dieses Mal, unterlegt vom ESC-Titel „L’amour s’en va“, das die verstorbene Françoise Hardy 1963 für Monaco sang.

Ebenso eine liebgewonnene Tradition ist das gemeinsame Singen, dieses Mal fiel die Wahl auf „Junger Tag“ von Gitte aus dem Jahr 1973. Da kam bei nicht wenigen Fans eine gewisse Wehmut auf. Was hatten wir doch für großartige Beiträge in früheren Zeiten gehabt.


Einmal mehr waren es Lu und Peter, die als Konstrakta aus Serbien eine wunderbare Parodie auf ihren diesjährigen Vorentscheidungstitel „Novo, bolje“ auf die Bühne brachten.


KonstraktaPeter und Lu © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Den zweiten Teil des Abends eröffnete ein mit viel Liebe zum Detail zusammengestellter Rückblick von Michi Behr auf das Eurovision Weekend in Hamburg. Spätestens da war allen klar, was diejenigen verpasst hatten, die im Juli nicht in der Hansestadt dabei gewesen waren. Unsere wunderbaren Vertreter „Call me Survior“ alias Verena und Florian brachten nochmal ihren Wettbewerbstitel „We Will Rave“ dar und wurden wie beim Weekend von den Fans bejubelt.


Call me survivorCall Me Survivor © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Sonja Lumme, die 1985 in Göteborg für Finnland das schmissige „Eläköön elämä“ schmetterte, ahnte damals sicherlich nicht, dass sie damit einen absoluten Fan-Favoriten und ESC-Klassiker für die Ewigkeit erschaffen würde. Dieser durfte natürlich bei ihrem Auftritt bei uns in Köln nicht fehlen. Aber auch ihre Coverversionen von Tina Turners „Simply the Best“ oder der finnischen Beiträge von 1983 von Ami Aspelund, „Fantasiaa“ und 1987 von Vicky Rosti, „Sata salamaa“ sorgten für große Begeisterung, ebenso wie "Främling". Sonja fand auch mit ihren kleinen Anekdoten zwischen den Liedern den Weg in die Herzen der ESC-Fans und sorgte nicht nur mit ihrer Bemerkung über die immer nur Golf-spielende Kollegin Vicky Rosti für so manchen Schmunzler im Publikum. Die Tatsache, dass sie extra einen Pianisten (Dan Antone) mitgebracht hatte, der ihre Titel live begleitete, gab uns ein sehr besonderes Hörerlebnis, und so wurde auch sie mit frenetischem Jubel und stehenden Ovationen verabschiedet.


  Sonja 1Sonja Lumme © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.


SonjaSonja Lumme © Berenike Haase / ECG e.V.



Ein weiteres Highlight, auf das sich jedes Jahr sehr viele Fans besonders freuen, ist  das traditionelle Musical. Wie immer hatten Lu, Peter und Michael viel Arbeit in das Projekt gesteckt und erzählten in diesem Jahr angelehnt an den polnischen Beitrag von Luna, „The Tower“,  das Märchen von Rapunzel, wobei die drei es schafften, unfassbare 27 Lieder des diesjährigen ESC-Jahrgangs in die Geschichte einzubauen. Es gab wirklich jede Menge großartige Szenen. Nicht nur vom Präsidenten im String-Tanga wird wohl noch in vielen Jahren gesprochen werden. Das war absolut klasse!


Musical 1Michael als Joost Klein und Lu als Rapunzel © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.


Musical BambiePeter als Bambie Thug © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.


Musical 2Michael als Windows95man © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Und es ging großartig weiter. Sarah Bonnici aus Malta sang ausschließlich ESC-Hits wie z. B. „Arcade“, „Snap“, „Spaceman“ und „Satellite“ und sorgte damit natürlich bei den Eurovisionsfans für Riesenjubel und die nächsten Standing Ovations.


SarahSarah Bonnici © Berenike Haase / ECG e.V.


Und noch ein weiteres Video kam gut an. Ulla, Denis, Manu, Florian, Rick und Benni hatten einige Tage Urlaub zusammen verbracht und dabei ein Video in Verona gedreht, wo sie auf die Suche nach dem Einhorn Patricia, das „lost“ und später auch „found“ in Verona war. Eine klasse Idee!


Der Abend war bis dahin wie im Fluge vergangen, aber es war Zeit für ein weiteres absolutes Highlight, den mit Spannung erwarteten Auftritt des Duos Nebulossa aus Spanien. Mery und Mark hatten ihre komplette Truppe vom ESC aus Malmö mit auf die Bühne ins Gloria gebracht, und so heizten neben den beiden auch noch eine Drummerin und zwei Tänzer den Gästen ein. Sie boten ein wahres Feuerwerk an teilweise eigenen, teilweise aber auch bekannten spanischen Songs wie z. b. „La revolución sexual“ aus der spanischen Vorentscheidung 2007. Bei „Zorra“ sang wirklich jede und jeder im Saal mit. Wahnsinn! Nochmal großer Jubel und Standing Ovations für diesen Auftritt, den wir so in dieser Form auch noch nie gehabt hatten. Das war einfach nur geil!


Nebulossa 1Nebulossa © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.


Nebulossa 2© Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.


Nebulossa 3© Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.



Geil war auch unser ungewohnt gutes Abschneiden in Malmö, und so verabschiedeten sich alle Beteiligten am Schluss mit „Always on the Run“ von Isaak beim großen Finale.


FinaleFinale © Berenike Haase / ECG e. V.


Aber natürlich war damit noch nicht Feierabend. Auch ein großer Höhepunkt des Clubtreffens ist in jedem Jahr die Disco mit DJ Ohrmeister. Auch in diesem Jahr war und blieb die Tanzfläche bis drei Uhr morgens voll, wo dann auch schon traditionell zum Abschluss ein großer Kreis gebildet wurde und alle zusammen in diesem Jahr „Io senza te“ sangen, einen der vielen tollen Beiträge aus der Schweiz, wo sich dann sicherlich viele der Gäste im nächsten Jahr wiedersehen werden. Und natürlich am 22. November 2025 wieder im Gloria.

Es war wiederum ein absolut tolles Fest! DANKE!


(Bericht: Erwin Wiesen)


FANvision 2024 - EC Germany

Meet the representatives of Eurovision Club Germany


NAME Call Me Survivor (Verena Teuber, Florian Sawatzki)
SONG We Will Rave (ESC 2024)

logo facebook Verena

logo facebook Florian



Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

Verena: We chose "We will rave" as we both love this song and we are big fans of the typical 90s songs.

Florian: We really wanted to sing a current song that was still fresh with the fans.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

Verena: I remember I received a WhatsApp message from a Eurovision friend saying "congratulations". That moment I realized that we must have been selected and I was so happy about it. EC Germany had a preselection with strong competitors, so being selected as the representative of the EC Germany is a big honour. Thanks again to everyone who voted for us.

Florian: I had just gone for a walk with a friend and then had to excuse myself for ten minutes to read the details and answer the first congratulations. We then spontaneously toasted with a glass of sparkling wine.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

Verena: Of course it will be very exciting to perform in Hamburg and to meet the other contestants. I have been to Hamburg once before - in March 2015 with awful weather. So dry weather or even sunshine would be nice... and of course having fun on stage ;-)

Florian: I've been in Hamburg several times a year for 20 years. My best friend lives there with her family, as do a few other friends. The city has become like a second home to me.


What are your personal interests?

Verena: I like to spend my freetime at the gym, travel or doing long walks in the nature.

Florian: I like going to concerts and travelling a lot. For example, I wrote the text for our song in a tree house in Costa Rica when it was raining. I go to yoga or swimming to relax.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

Verena: My first memory about the Eurovision Song Contest is the Yugoslavian entry 1987. My sister watched the contest and I was thrilled by the performance of the band Novi Fosili (please don't ask me why). In 1989 I watched the whole contest for the first time live in front of the TV. Since then I have been an enthusiastic fan with my personal highlight being accreditated at the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf 2011.

Florian: My first memory was of the 1997 ESC, which I watched by chance. I was already eleven years old at the time. As a child, the contest didn't play a role in my life, I only watched VIVA. But then the fever took hold of me more and more every year. I have also been on site eight times since 2015, most recently in Malmö.



Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

Verena: As a part of Call Me Survivor I have been on stage twice before (2016 & 2017). We also had a performance at the EC Germany Club convention in November last year. Beside this I performed at an event called "EuRUBvision" at the Ruhr University Bochum in front of an audience of 200 people.

Florian: I've already sung several times in the ESC context, including at Fanvision. Most recently in Stuttgart in 2021. I'm also always up for a karaoke evening.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

Verena: I work for a tourism company in the quality department (see also "personal interests")

Florian: I work in marketing for a health insurance company.


What’s your favorite Eurovision song of all time?
Verena: Cyprus 1995 - Sti fotia by Alexandros Panayi

Florian: The song that turned me from a spectator into a fan: Cyprus 1999 – Tha’ne Erotas.



Meet the Head of Delegation of Eurovison Club Germany


NAME Benjamin Tonn

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How did your club find your representative?

We asked all our members: Would you like to sing for the ECG in Hamburg? Five acts then came forward and had to submit a live music video to our members' vote. Call Me Survivor received the clear majority of votes.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

As a host club, Call Me Survivor can be sure of the loud support of many of our members in Hamburg. Our members will also celebrate the singers from the other clubs, I have no doubt about that.


What do you wish for your contestant?

I wish Call Me Survivor that they can enjoy the weekend to the fullest and make many new friends with talented singers from all over Europe. I am sure that our entry will make the visitors rave and that Verena and Florian will remember the three minutes on stage in Hamburg forever.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

We are something like the cradle of the Eurovision Weekend. Even though the event now takes place across Europe, the event somehow always comes back to us. ;) As the largest of the two German clubs in terms of membership, we maybe exude less nostalgia for the ESC years long past, but we might be a little more modern and no less familiar. Our annual club meeting in November with some national and international star guests and funny parodies of ESC songs in Cologne should be part of every ESC fan's calendar.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

At some point I got tired of listening to many ESC songs. With "Together" by Ryan O'Shaughnessy, the Irish entry from 2018, it was love at first note - and the performance in Lisbon thrilled me even more. To this day I just can't get enough of this song.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

I want to be touched emotionally in some way by the FANvision participant and captured by his or her performance. He or she has to create a key moment for me to get me on his or her side. It just has to click. This can be through an outstanding vocal performance or through great entertainment value.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Malta

Meet the representative of OGAE MALTA


NAME Martina Fenech
SONG Rise Like a Phoenix (ESC 2014)

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Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

My team and I have discussed a lot of different song options, however the song that worked the most was "Rise Like a Phoenix". I chose this song since it carries a strong message about courage and overcoming difficulties in life . It symbolizes, to me, the idea of rising stronger from life's difficulties. Both the lyrics and the tune of the song reminds me that challenges are not the end but rather a necessary part of life, which encourages us to turn our hardships into strength and hope.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

I was thrilled and truly honored. It means a lot to me and I would like to thank the members of the Maltese OGAE Fanclub for believing in me and showing such strong support. It’s a great chance to connect with more people and share this journey with those who have been with me from the start.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

Yes, I'm very excited to come to Hamburg for the FANvision Festival ! It's a great chance to meet other artists and experience Hamburg's energy and be part of such an amazing event.


What are your personal interests?

As a singer, my personal interests revolve around music. I love exploring different styles of music and connecting with audiences through my performances in different events. Apart from singing I also enjoy traveling, I like exploring new cuisines, learning about other cultures, and discovering unique places.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

My personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest is rooted in its celebration of diversity and music from different countries around Europe. One of my earliest Eurovision memories is watching performances as a kid together with my family and feeling the excitement of seeing artists from different countries come together on one stage and see what they have to offer for that particular year. The Eurovision Song Contest continues to inspire me with its creativity year after year, and the way it brings together fans from all over to celebrate music and artistry.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

I've had a variety of experiences in my music journey, from playing in smaller venues to performing in front of different crowds and also on TV. FANvision is indeed one of the audiences I will have the privilege to perform for, and it's incredibly exciting for me. My goals for the future include developing as a musician by creating new music and reaching a wider audience. I aspire to work with different musicians, experiment with different musical genres, and eventually release my music to a larger audience. In this journey, FANvision is a big step forward, and I can't wait to see where it leads.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

Apart from being a Eurovision fan, I enjoy following and singing whenever I have the opportunity at local festivals that celebrate cultural diversity and showcase Maltese music. These events allow me to perform in my native language which is Maltese and connect with my community.


Meet the Head of Delegation of Malta


NAME Claudio Xerri

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Denmark Youtube Thumbnail Head 



How did your club find your representative?

OGAE through its social media portal has issued a call of interest for singers to participate in the Fanvision to be held in Germany. Singers were asked to send a video performing a Eurovision song within a stipulated deadline.

OGAE Malta then sent an email to each member within the club with a link to the respective videos.(Three singers were in the competition to win the title). Members were given one week to cast their vote and were invited to vote 8 points the least favourite, 10 points 2nd best and 12 points Member’s favourite.

Martina won this competition and therefore the right to represent Malta in Fanvision.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

I am aware that most of our members follow this contest through social media. I am not aware that any member of OGAE Malta will actually attend this year's event in Germany.


What do you wish for your contestant?

I have no doubt that Martina with her amazing talent will deliver a beautiful performance on the night of the song "Rise like a Phoenix". 

I would like her to enjoy this experience, and make the most of it. She will definitely feel the love and friendship of the big Eurovision family who will be present for Fanvision. I am sure that Martina with her talent and charisma will one day have the opportunity to represent Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

As always this year there is a tough competition and the song choices by the singers are very good. I am sure that Martina will also do well in this contest. Although OGAE Malta is a small club we managed to win this contest twice. Maybe who knows we win it for the third time with our Martina.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

A very tough question to answer. There are many songs which I like but my favourite song is definitely Angel by our Maltese singer Chiara. It is a beautiful song and every time I listen to this song it gives me goosebumps.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

Definitely the interpretation of the song chosen and how the singer will stage the performance. I had the opportunity to attend Fanvision and the organisation is a mini version of the Eurovision, with fans showing their flags, good presenters for the show and most important Eurovision fans enjoying themselves listening to past Eurovision entries who although they did not manage to win the title they are still favourites amongst Eurovision fans and Eurovision parties.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Italy

Meet the representative of OGAE ITALY


NAME Jessica Lipari
SONG Tattoo (ESC 2023), Italian version by Fabrizio Massi
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook

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TikTok Logo.wine




Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

I have always admired Loreen so much. Her songs always convey very strong emotions to me. Also, thanks to Fabrizio, I was able to make this version more 'my own' by singing it in my mother tongue.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

It was a great surprise, before our last meeting I did not know there was this opportunity, I will always be grateful and enjoy every moment of this incredible experience.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

I have never been to Hamburg, but I am very happy to have this opportunity and I can't wait to see this beautiful city! I would love to try the local food because I love to eat and try new things.


What are your personal interests?

I have been studying theatre for five years, and I was introduced to this art thanks to an audition I did many years ago for a musical you all know, 'Romeo and Juliet'. They cast me and I played the Prince of Verona.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

Of course, I have been singing since I was a child, everyone in my family (I have three sisters) is in touch with music and each of us has a different voice. When I was younger, I joined a choir, and my teacher decided to assign me a song to sing as a soloist and guess what song she chose? "Euphoria", I said it all. So, this is my first memory with Eurovision. The magnificent Loreen. After this discovery I did my research and at that moment it was the beginning of the end.

Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?
I have had the fortune to sing on various stages, won a few regional competitions and represented Switzerland at the 'Tour Music Fest'. I also have a group with which I enjoy entertaining people at parties. I don't know what the future holds for me, I was taught to keep my feet on the ground, so if my time comes, I will welcome it.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

I studied economics and currently work in a commodity trading company.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

This question is too difficult! Surely one song I will never tire of hearing is 'La Forza' by Elina Nechayeva.



Meet the Head of Delegation of Italy


NAME Fabrizio Massi

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How did your club find your representative?

We chose Jessica Lipari through an internal selection.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

We’ll try to involve as many people as possible.


What do you wish for your contestant?

Jessica is having her first experience at Fanvision but she has had many experiences before, on various stages of excellent standard, so I’m sure she’ll perform very well and people will appreciate her. I have one more reason to trust her, because I’ll present my lyrics through her voice.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

We are a tightly-knit group that convenes twice a year. The first meeting, held in spring, primarily focuses on voting for songs, while the second, in autumn, always features a Eurovision singer as a guest. Our group continues to grow in membership, and each gathering provides an opportunity to reunite with old friends, make new ones, and immerse ourselves in the Eurovision atmosphere marked by friendship, inclusivity, and enjoyment. We will certainly be pleased to host the FanVision in Italy next year in case of victory, likely at a seaside location.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

There are many songs, my first choice is “Nel blu dipinto di blu” by Domenico Modugno of 1958, a planetary hit. In the latest editions I appreciated “Rise Like A Phoenix”, “La Forza” (Estonia 2018), “Zero Gravity” (Australia 2019), “Voila” (France 2021) and obiouvsly “Tattoo”.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

First and foremost, I appreciate the skill of the singers in relation to the difficulty of the song performed. When singers manage to fully harness their potential, while also acknowledging their limitations, they have the foundation to gracefully leave the stage amidst applause. I envision a performance as a painting, with the staging serving as the frame and the singer’s voice as the heart of this painting. Then a beautiful painting is showcased at its best within a beautiful frame.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Poland

Meet the representative of OGAE POLAND


NAME Dolce Pindy (Konrad Szczęsny, Rafał Zuchewicz, Jakub Kasprzyk, Maciej Sychowiec)
SONG Cha Cha Cha (ESC 2023)
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

We decided to perform “Cha Cha Cha” by Käärijä as it allows us to deliver crazy energy and provides different avenues for creative brainstorming. The duality of the song, e.i. on the one hand, shows an aggressive and impulsive side of human nature, and a funny and relaxed one, on the other. It is something that many people have struggled with nowadays. While being insane, “Cha Cha Cha” has a very current message and thus we want to provide it to the audience.


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

It is an honor to perform on behalf of OGAE Poland in Fanvision especially since our performance won the annual song contest (so-called “Karaoke Contest”) during our convention meeting. In OGAE Poland, people often laugh that this contest is for many people more important than Eurovision itself.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

We haven’t been to Hamburg but we are quite excited. As a city with a maritime setting, we are excited to see its sea-related heritage but also modern and brick-based architecture.


What are your personal interests?

As a group, we vary a lot. Our interests spread from politics and vegan cuisine to traveling. In our free time, we tend to dwell on why we lost in Eurovision betting odds. In addition, some of us are chronically addicted to all-inclusive holidays.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

Among Polish fans, we are a generation that is associated with starting following Eurovision around 2003 when Ich Troje (at that point, it was a huge band in Poland) competed in Eurovision. However, we have some memories that reach even the 1990s. Some of our parents recorded Carola’s victory in 1991, and some of us fell asleep before the results in Istambul. Is FANvision the bi


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

Yes, FANvision is the most international stage so far. Some of us have some musical background such as singing in a choir but we rather consider it to be pure fun


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

We do very different things. Dolce Pindy consists of a journalist, psychiatrist, university researcher, and an associate at the international corporation. Beyond that, our passion is to find time to relax and to take life easy. We know all about “personal energy-saving”. It is everything that you need to make a successful performance of “Cha Cha Cha”


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

That’s a million-dollar question! It is very difficult to select just one song. We have some highlights over all these years. Regardless of what we will present at FANvision, we have a soft spot for Eurovision oldies such as Lys Assia’s “Giorgio” (Switzerland 1958) or "Heut' Woll'n Wir Tanzen Geh'n" by Alice and Ellen Kessler (Germany 1959).


Meet the Head of Delegation of Denmark


NAME Tomasz Lener

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How did your club find your representative?

We have been organizing the OGAE POLSKA convention for 20 years. We also organize a karaoke competition every year. The winner of the 2023 competition is a representative in FANvision2024.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

Everyone keeps their fingers crossed for our team's performance.


What do you wish for your contestant?

Let it be a nice adventure and, above all, fun. Of course, I wish them victory :)


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

The most important thing is to be yourself and have fun with this eventand share joy. Trophies are not the most important thing. Of course, everyone wants to win, but there will only be one winner. May the best one win.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

There are many of these favorite songs. If I have to choose one, it's "Tattoo" by Loreen, the second is "Hold me closer" by Cornelia Jacobs. What do you appreciate in particular in a perfor


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

For me, the most important thing is presentation, emotions, sometimes talent and the fact that the performer and the audience have fun.

FANvision 2024 - OGAE Denmark

Meet the representative of OGAE DENMARK


NAME Maria Luisa
SONG Främling (ESC 1983)
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

I will be singing ”Främling” in the FANvision contest, because I simply adore Carola Häggkvist. I love that she is SUCH a D I V A, and that her facelifts are as enormous as her wind machines. I love all the songs she has participated with: ”Fängad av en stormvind” from 1991, and ”invincible” from 2006, but ”Främling” from 1983 is just my favourite Eurovision song EVER. Carola is a great singer, and it is kind of nerve wracking singing one of her songs


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

When I got the news that I would be representing Denmark, I felt disbelief, and started laughing. I called my ten year old daughter, told her, and she replied:” Not, YOU, Mum?” A bit embarrassed I guess.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

I am SO excited to visit Hamburg again. I have been in Hamburg twice before, and I love the energy of the city. I am very impressed about how dog-friendly the city is. You see dogs in almost every restaurant, which is not common in my country. I am a dog-person, so I just love that about Hamburg.


What are your personal interests?

I am very much into animal rights. I especially love dogs. I have been a volunteer at dog shelters in Greece, and cat shelters in Denmark. My motto is ”Adopt, don’t shop”.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

From a very early age I watched the Eurovision Song Contest with my mum, and I remember that I always fell asleep before the results. I used to sing all the songs from the Danish contests at the playground, and I remember, that I had a huge crush on Louis from Herreys.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

When I was younger I used to be in Musicals, and I have also been a member of a girlband.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

My plans for the future involve adopting a stray dog, parenting him and my daughter, spending time with friends and family and working at the office. I don’t have much time for singing, unfortunately, since I am a hard working mum.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

My favourite Eurovision song of all time is ”Främling” from 1983, and runner up is ”Diggi-loo diggi-ley” from 1984


Meet the Head of Delegation of Denmark


NAME Christian Tyskov
CLUB OGAE  Denmark

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How did your club find your representative?

Our OGAE club did choose the winner from acts sent in.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

I hope many will exploit the nearby location, just to the south of Denmark to sent support to Maria.


What do you wish for your contestant?

That she will have a good time, she will never forget, and that she again will shine with the song, that I btw. think is one of the best Swedish entries in Eurovision.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

We are very social, and are welcomning everybody. That's why we are a mixture of different people, in all ages and preferences, joining the Eurovision / Melodi Grand Grand Prix feeling in club events and of course at the official Grand Prix / Eurovision events - since 1989.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

That is always the tricky question. Among the "oldies" I have for many years favoured Poupée de Cire, Poupée de son (1965) and L'amour est bleu (1967). But more recently I also favor the three different songs from Cyprus 2016, Iceland 2019 and France 2024, that all touch me, when I'm listen to them.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

I want to get emotional touched. I want to see a special performance by a beautiful song. I want to be engaged into the act, and I want to see a participant that show, that the act do mean a lot for the participant.

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