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FANvision 2024 - OGAE Denmark

Meet the representative of OGAE DENMARK


NAME Maria Luisa
SONG Främling (ESC 1983)
SOCIAL MEDIA logo facebook


Why did you choose this song, what does it mean to you?

I will be singing ”Främling” in the FANvision contest, because I simply adore Carola Häggkvist. I love that she is SUCH a D I V A, and that her facelifts are as enormous as her wind machines. I love all the songs she has participated with: ”Fängad av en stormvind” from 1991, and ”invincible” from 2006, but ”Främling” from 1983 is just my favourite Eurovision song EVER. Carola is a great singer, and it is kind of nerve wracking singing one of her songs


What did you feel when you were nominated by your Fanclub to represent at FANvision?

When I got the news that I would be representing Denmark, I felt disbelief, and started laughing. I called my ten year old daughter, told her, and she replied:” Not, YOU, Mum?” A bit embarrassed I guess.


Are you excited about coming to Hamburg?

I am SO excited to visit Hamburg again. I have been in Hamburg twice before, and I love the energy of the city. I am very impressed about how dog-friendly the city is. You see dogs in almost every restaurant, which is not common in my country. I am a dog-person, so I just love that about Hamburg.


What are your personal interests?

I am very much into animal rights. I especially love dogs. I have been a volunteer at dog shelters in Greece, and cat shelters in Denmark. My motto is ”Adopt, don’t shop”.


What is your personal connection to the Eurovision Song Contest? Maybe you want to share your first Eurovision memory with us?

From a very early age I watched the Eurovision Song Contest with my mum, and I remember that I always fell asleep before the results. I used to sing all the songs from the Danish contests at the playground, and I remember, that I had a huge crush on Louis from Herreys.


Is FANvision the biggest stage/ audience so far for you, what are your musical experiences, and what are your plans for the future?

When I was younger I used to be in Musicals, and I have also been a member of a girlband.


What do you do apart from being a Eurovision Fan?

My plans for the future involve adopting a stray dog, parenting him and my daughter, spending time with friends and family and working at the office. I don’t have much time for singing, unfortunately, since I am a hard working mum.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

My favourite Eurovision song of all time is ”Främling” from 1983, and runner up is ”Diggi-loo diggi-ley” from 1984


Meet the Head of Delegation of Denmark


NAME Christian Tyskov
CLUB OGAE  Denmark

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How did your club find your representative?

Our OGAE club did choose the winner from acts sent in.


Does your club bring a lot of supporters for your act?

I hope many will exploit the nearby location, just to the south of Denmark to sent support to Maria.


What do you wish for your contestant?

That she will have a good time, she will never forget, and that she again will shine with the song, that I btw. think is one of the best Swedish entries in Eurovision.


Your club is in the race for winning FANvision, what’s outstanding about your club?

We are very social, and are welcomning everybody. That's why we are a mixture of different people, in all ages and preferences, joining the Eurovision / Melodi Grand Grand Prix feeling in club events and of course at the official Grand Prix / Eurovision events - since 1989.


What’s your favourite Eurovision song of all time?

That is always the tricky question. Among the "oldies" I have for many years favoured Poupée de Cire, Poupée de son (1965) and L'amour est bleu (1967). But more recently I also favor the three different songs from Cyprus 2016, Iceland 2019 and France 2024, that all touch me, when I'm listen to them.


What do you appreciate in particular in a performance in FANvision ? What would you want to see on stage and what might convince you to give a high vote?

I want to get emotional touched. I want to see a special performance by a beautiful song. I want to be engaged into the act, and I want to see a participant that show, that the act do mean a lot for the participant.