Ich tue mich mit Einschätzungen für den deutschen Beitrag immer sehr schwer. Die direkten Reaktionen hier im Pressezentrum waren ja schon sehr positiv. Werfen wir mal einen Blick auf die Fanmedien. Da findet sich überwiegend Positives. Bei den Wetten gab es einen Aufstieg von 19. am vergangenen Freitag auf 15. am heutigen Tag. Allerdings ist das keine direkter Tipp, sondern immer das Resultat aus den Wetten auf den ersten Platz.
"Overall, a really really good performance with very little things wrong."
"Michael’s performance is touching from start to finish. (…) Touching and tear-jerking lyrics also feature during the performance, key lyrics which encompass the message of the song as a whole, the lyrics of which have a deep and meaningful message to the singer himself. It’s a beautiful performance from Germany at this year’s competition which is sure to relate with viewers across the continent and beyond."
"Many acts strive for a sense of authenticity and sincerity, but end up coming off as sterile or forced. This bucks the trend. It really seems to come straight from Michael’s heart. My clear winner of the day."
"Overall a good song, performed well, although for me this does sound just like an Ed Sheehan song. I think this'll do better than how Germany did last year, possibly coming around 19th/20th"